About Us

                               Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!   Hear Oh Israel, The LORD is our G-D, The LORD is ONE!

What We Believe     

We are a Messianic Jewish Congregation that believes that Yeshua is the Messiah of G-d Almighty and that He taught and lived by Torah as it is written.  We believe in the entire Bible consisting of the Tanach (Old Testament) and the Brit HaDasha (New Testament) as the infallible and authoritative Word of Adonai.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to teach Torah; G-d Almighty’s instructions, to all who hear so that we may have life and have it more abundantly in Adonai.

Our Goal

We aim to live a Torah-centered life and obediently follow G-d Almighty’s instructions. 

We are here to learn the ways of Adonai. We research, study, and discuss the entire bible to practically live the Word of G-d Almighty and to prove what is truth and what isn’t truth.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be prepared to instruct those who want to learn how to live according to the way of Adonai. 

Also the foreigners who join themselves to Adonai, to minister to Him, and to love the Name of Adonai, and to be His servants all who keep from profaning Shabbat, and hold fast to My covenant these I will bring to My holy mountain, and let them rejoice in My House of Prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar. For My House will be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” – Isaiah 56:6