What to Expect
We’re looking forward to meeting you.
Shabbat is a beautiful time of rest, worship, and fellowship. You are welcome to attend our services. People from all ethnic backgrounds are welcome to worship at Beth Shalom.
Relax it is Shabbat. Come as you are. If you come from a Jewish background you will recognize many of the elements used in traditional Jewish Synagogues. If you are from a Christian background, many things will be different than what you are used to. Come anyway and learn.
“For Moses from ancient generations has had in every city those who proclaim him, since he is read in all the synagogues every Shabbat.” – Acts 15:21
“You are to teach them diligently to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:7
Our service lasts approximately two hours. This includes singing and dancing, blessings, prayers, readings of the Torah (Scripture), and drash. After all of this, we are hungry. So we eat, we have a Shabbat Oneg (fellowship meal).
*Drash – The word drash derives from lidrosh, which means to seek. Drash seeks a resolution of aspects of the verse beyond that which the pshat (basic literal meaning) requires; usually moral implications.